Monday, June 23, 2008

Girls Weekend in Chicago

We had such a fabulous time in Chicago with the girls! My mom, sister, Aunt Ann, Rylee, and I all drove to my Aunt Ruth's house for the weekend. She lives in Bartlett, a suburb of Chicago. We arrived Friday evening, and got up Saturday for a busy day. We took the train downtown, went to the American Girl store and the Disney Store, ate lunch at Navy Pier (Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.), and went to the Museum of Science and Industry. We even went to the mall for a few hours! Rylee loved it! The highlight of the trip was the "Silver Man." He was all spray-painted silver and acted like a statue. But when you put money in his pot, he started dancing like Michael Jackson! It was pretty cool! She also loved riding the escalators. Yes, the escalators! It was a great weekend and we had such a fun time! We even saw a gorgeous rainbow on the drive there!


Meg in Tally said...

Just surfed by your blog and LOVED your Girls Weekend pics. A fun weekend for all to remember! We have a Girls Weekend each year at the beach here in Fla. Ages 50+ thru 8 yo. We always have a blast! Glad you shared!

Michelle and Scott said...

Kate, my Dad lives in Bartlett! Glad you had a blast in Chicago. It's always a good time!